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Invest In Bath

Invest in Bath

The Invest in Bath service has been established as the Bath & North East Somerset Council's main point of contact for co-ordinating support services to local businesses in light of the COVID-19 public health situation. We will share specific information about targeted business support and financial assistance at it is made available to us as and when schemes are announced. The Bath & North East Somerset area is quite simply a great place to do business. Connected, collaborative, and inventive, you'll find that there is a raft of support here to help make your business a success. Whatever the stage or size of your business, these pages give you a taster of the support available, from fantastic sector-based networks to free and subsidised business advice sessions. You can also visit to visit our partnered campaign of the top companies, sectors and stories in Bath & North East Somerset. Email: We're based at Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath BA1 1JG

Areas Covered: Bath

Telephone number: Contact via website


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